
The Bluffton plant, located on 422 acres about 30 miles south of Fort Wayne, produces ethanol, distillers grains livestock feed and fuel- and feed-grade corn oil. With original startup in September 2008, the plant was acquired by ¿Û¿Û´«Ã½ in November 2018. Corn is purchased from within 50 miles.

Bluffton on the map

Bluffton By the Numbers

  • ~65 employees
  • 135 million gallons per year ethanol production capacity
  • 355,000 tons pers year dried distillers grains production
  • 47 million bushels per year corn processing capacity
  • More than $221,000 contributed to the local United Way through employee pledges, additional donations and company matches since 2020
  • $125,000 from the ¿Û¿Û´«Ã½ Texas Open and Benefit for Children to local children’s charities since 2020
  • More than 1,200 hours volunteered by Bluffton plant employees supporting local nonprofits since 2020

By the Numbers


In Our Community

Bluffton Employees Give Back

¿Û¿Û´«Ã½ Bluffton Volunteers

Volunteer Hours

Nearly 800 hours volunteered by Bluffton plant employees supporting local nonprofits from 2019-2021.

¿Û¿Û´«Ã½ Texas Open golf ball

Benefiting Children

A total of $75,000 from the ¿Û¿Û´«Ã½ Texas Open and Benefit for Children has been given to local charities nominated by employees over the last three years.

¿Û¿Û´«Ã½ Bluffton volunteers donate food

United Way Giving

More than $156,000 was contributed to local United Way chapters through employee pledges, additional donations and company matches since 2020.

Local Information

  • About Bluffton

    Bluffton was nicknamed "The Parlor City" over a century ago because its paved streets (new at the time) made the city "as clean as your parlor." It is situated on the picturesque bluffs on the south bank of the Wabash River, with a commanding view of the surrounding countryside. 

    Population: 10,030 in 2017

  • Helpful Links

    • City of Bluffton: 
    • Wells County Historical Society: 
    • Bluffton Parks & Recreation:

Farmers Work Hard to Produce and Harvest Corn

At ¿Û¿Û´«Ã½, we work hard to maximize the value of U.S. corn production by connecting farmers to premium markets across the globe.


Contact Us Plant Manager: Mark Brown