¿Û¿Û´«Ã½ Pipelines & Terminals Map

Growing Our Network to Meet Your Fuel Needs

We’re adding the pipeline and terminal infrastructure to supply the high-growth refined products markets of Central Texas and the U.S. Gulf Coast.

Pipeline Public Awareness Program

Being a good operator also means being a good neighbor. 

Our goal is to educate the public, emergency responders and other key stakeholders about the pipelines ¿Û¿Û´«Ã½ owns or operates in their communities. We also send out information on an annual basis to residences and businesses near our pipelines. This improved awareness reduces the likelihood of an emergency, and also helps reduce the impact if there is an emergency or fuel leak.


Pipeline Safety

¿Û¿Û´«Ã½ maintains a strong commitment to safety, and measures our success by the health and safety of our neighbors, employees, and environment. In addition, we regularly provide training to our emergency response community.

The following resources provide information about pipeline safety in your communities:

Pipeline Markers

The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) requires the use of markers to indicate the approximate location of pipelines. The markers display:

  • Material transported on the pipeline
  • The name of the pipeline operator
  • A telephone number where an operator can be reached in the event of an emergency 

Markers do NOT indicate the exact location or the depth of the pipeline.

Before You Dig (United States)

Before you dig or engage in any excavation, construction, or farming activity, call your state's One-Call Center. Minor excavation activities can cause damage to a pipeline, its protective coating and/or buried utility lines. Play it safe and learn more here: 


Pipeline Right-of-Way Encroachment

We take your safety seriously. Encroachments upon the pipeline right-of-way inhibit ¿Û¿Û´«Ã½'s ability to provide right-of-way surveillance, to perform routine maintenance and required state/federal inspections. In order to perform these critical activities, ¿Û¿Û´«Ã½ personnel must have safe and easy access to all pipeline right-of-ways.

Refinery Pipeline Control Centers:

In the event of a pipeline emergency, contact one of the Pipeline Control Centers below:

  • Benicia, California, area pipelines: (707) 745-7562
  • Corpus Christi, Texas, area pipelines: (361) 289-6000
  • Houston area pipelines: (713) 923-3506
  • St. Charles (New Orleans), Louisiana, area pipelines: (985) 764-4643
  • Texas City, Texas, area pipelines: (409) 948-7390
  • Wilmington (Long Beach), California, area pipelines: (562) 491-6803
  • ¿Û¿Û´«Ã½ Terminaling and Distribution Company and ¿Û¿Û´«Ã½ Partners Operating Co. LLC: (866) 423-0898

Pipeline Safety Brochures (English)

Download a safety brochure with a map of a pipeline and information about the materials it carries.

Pipeline Safety Brochure

Ardmore Pipeline Brochure Insert

Benicia Pipeline Brochure Insert

Chicago Area Operations Pipeline Brochure Insert

Corpus Christi Pipeline Brochure Insert

Gulf Coast Operations Pipeline Brochure Insert

Hartford Area Operations Pipeline Brochure Insert

Houston Pipeline Brochure Insert

Louisville Pipeline Brochure Insert

Memphis Pipeline Brochure Insert

Meraux Pipeline Brochure Insert

Panhandle Area Operations Pipeline Brochure Insert

Parkway Pipeline Brochure Insert

South Texas Area Pipeline Brochure Insert

South Texas Ops Pipeline Brochure Insert

St. Charles Pipeline Brochure Insert

Texas City Pipeline Brochure Insert

Wilmington Pipeline Brochure Insert

Integrity Management Plan (IMP) Information

¿Û¿Û´«Ã½'s Pipeline Safety Brochures (Spanish)

Download a safety brochure with a map of a pipeline and information about the materials it carries.

Pipeline Safety Brochure (Spanish)

Ardmore Pipeline Brochure Insert (Spanish)

Benicia Pipeline Brochure Insert (Spanish)

Chicago Area Operations Pipeline Brochure Insert (Spanish)

Corpus Christi Pipeline Brochure Insert (Spanish)

Gulf Coast Operations Pipeline Brochure Insert (Spanish)

Hartford Area Operations Pipeline Brochure Insert (Spanish)

Hearne to Taylor Pipeline Brochure Insert (Spanish)

Houston Pipeline Brochure Insert (Spanish)

Louisville Pipeline Brochure Insert (Spanish)

Memphis Pipeline Brochure Insert (Spanish)

Meraux Pipeline Brochure Insert (Spanish)

Panhandle Area Operations Pipeline Brochure Insert (Spanish)

Parkway Pipeline Brochure Insert (Spanish)

South Texas Area Operations Pipeline Brochure Insert (Spanish)

St. Charles Pipeline Brochure Insert (Spanish)

Texas City Pipeline Brochure Insert (Spanish)

Wilmington Pipeline Brochure Insert (Spanish)

pipeline tariffs

Pipeline Tariffs

Learn about the rates, terms, and conditions for our pipelines.

Integrity Management Program

In accordance with our integrity management program, ¿Û¿Û´«Ã½ is committed to operating safely and protecting the environment. We regularly assess, evaluate, repair and validate the integrity of our pipeline segments.
